Home / Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024


Big Technologies plc (“Big Technologies” or “we”) takes a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. We strive to act with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to put in place effective systems and controls in order to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place in our own business and in our supply chain. In addition to this Modern Slavery Statement, we have implemented a robust Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy and related staff training to ensure the highest standards of compliance across the organisation.


Organisation’s structure


Big Technologies is an AIM listed group of wholly owned companies headquartered in Rickmansworth, UK. We employ over 200 people worldwide and this statement is valid and effective for all wholly owned subsidiaries in the group. More information on our corporate governance practices is available on our corporate website and in our Annual Report (www.bigtechnologies.co.uk).


Our business


Big Technologies delivers innovative remote people monitoring solutions to improve people’s quality of life. We are committed to using technology to make society safer.


Our mission is to be the most trusted provider of electronic monitoring technologies and services, which enable our customers to better manage, and improve the lives of the people they monitor. We are proactive, forward-thinking and driven by a desire to serve society.


We build long-term relationships with our customers, keeping individuals and communities safe, whilst considerably reducing costs to the taxpayer. We are experts in our field and use our knowledge and innovation to provide accurate and real-time information, enabling informed critical decision making. Our systems are trusted the world over to make a tangible difference to people’s lives.


Our policy


We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery within our business or in our supply chain. We aim to demonstrate that Big Technologies follows good practice and all reasonable steps are taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking. We believe that all individuals who work within our business should be treated with dignity and respect, rewarded fairly for their work and not exploited. We only wish to work with organisations in our supply chain that have similar commitment and are not involved in modern slavery.


Our supply chains


We maintain long-term relationships with key suppliers and other business partners, the majority of whom are based in the UK and Europe. We expect our suppliers to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and processes. In order to identify and mitigate risk, we review all suppliers before engaging with their services to identify any risks.


Due diligence


We monitor and regularly review our supplier‘s adherence to our expectations and request them to confirm adherence to our stated policies.


Audits are embedded within our continuous quality review processes to ensure that our products and services comply with internationally recognised standards of best practice, quality and performance.


Future steps


By publishing this statement on the Big Technologies website, the Directors of Big Technologies aim to send out a very clear message to our investors, customers, suppliers, employees, contractors and prospective employees and contractors that everyone involved with the group has a personal duty to address the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking and understand that it will not be tolerated by the group.


We are committed to improving all our internal processes and to strengthening our controls to ensure that not only the group itself but its entire supply chain operates in an ethical manner and has no involvement in or connection to modern slavery or human trafficking in any form.


Reporting period


This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Big Technologies’ slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2024. It was approved by the Board of Directors on 6 August 2024.


Sara Murray OBE

Chief Executive Officer